In this guide, we’ll be going over the basics of each data type in the Data Editor and how to use them. These will only briefly go over the different aspects of each data type, see the tutorials for a step-by-step guide if you’re starting out.

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The unit type is one of the most useful type of game objects and is used in various interactable entities, including players, enemies, buildings, and missiles. Units come with many useful functionalities, such as collision detection, health, movement, and player and enemy teams.

Units are visually represented by a unit actor, which is automatically created together with it.

See the wiki for the full list of DCEI functions pertaining to unit.

Regular Units

The most common example of a unit would be in its usage as player or enemy characters.

For example, to create a melee character, make a new unit with _CUnit as a parent. Some of the differences between a _CUnit and a base unit include:

Next, you’ll need to utilize some other data types in order to add attacking and the visuals.

To add a model, go to the unit actor and change the Resource. For example, I’ll be using pocketquest_hero_knight. It’s recommended to make it inherit from _StandardUnit DeacyOnDeath as that will delay the actor from being destroyed to allow it to play a death animation.

To add a weapon, go back to your unit and select/create a weapon from the Weapon List. I’ll be using Standard MeleeUnit Weapon in my example.