What should I do if the editor doesn’t install correctly?

Sometimes Windows or a firewall/anti-virus limits the permissions of the installer, preventing it from installing correctly. You can run uninstall the editor, disable your anti-virus and run the installer as an administrator.

If that doesn’t work, you can try downloading the editor as a .zip folder and unzipping it rather than using an installer, using the download link at: Old Editor Versions

What if I get “invalid token” or can’t login?

This means your email address isn’t authenticated to login to the editor, either because the wrong address was used or your credentials expired. Email [email protected] and ask for your login credentials to be extended.

What should I do if saving doesn’t work?

The editor can sometimes fail to save if the Terrain Window crashes. You can usually close the Terrain Window (while keeping other windows like Data open) and try saving again.

Why there is a VS Code warning pop up when installing the editor?

The editor installation comes with a VS Code plugin for API reference and auto-completion for our Lua scripting system. Feel free to ignore this warning as it won’t have any effect on the installation.

The editor isn’t automatically detecting my VS Code install, how do I fix it?


In Player Settings (Ctrl+Shift+L), type in your VS Code .exe file path like this. Associating VS Code lets you click on any error message in the Player Log to jump to the relevant line in Lua script.

How do I get auto complete for all the DCEI APIs?


The editor’s VS Code plugin provides auto-complete and documentation for all the DCEI APIs. The plguin should automatically install when installing the editor if you have VS Code installed. If it’s not working, first make sure you have VS Code installed and then try reinstalling the editor. letion for our Lua scripting system. Feel free to ignore this warning as it won’t have any effect on the installation.

What is a “Unit” in script? How do I make a unit use an ability in script?

Creating a unit in the Data Window creates a definition for that unit type (like a template). To actually get the unit into the game, you can create an instance of that unit in the Terrain Window with the unit brush or with DCEI.CreateUnit() in script.

You can get access to pre-placed units in Terrain in script with DCEI.FindUnit(), or simply get the unit reference returned from DCEI.CreateUnit() like this:

local hero_name = DCEI.Unit("IceMage")local hero = DCEI.CreateUnit(0, 0, hero_name, 8, 8, 0, 1)DCEI.CastAbilityAtPosition(ability_name, hero, 10, 10)