
A custom health bar can be achieved by creating UI in XML, hooking it up with GMUI, attaching it to the unit with DCEI.AttachFrameToUnit(), and then binding the UI elements to the unit’s stats with data binding.


First, by opening the UI Editor window in the editor, we can write some XML. We’re going to create a basic bar that we can reuse multiple times using the include feature.

A bar has three frames:


<Frame frameImage="loading_bar_empty" width="200" height="15" frameImagePixelsPerUnitMultiplier="3" frameImageColor="#000000ff" layout="flex">
    <Mask id="Mask" frameImage="loading_bar_empty" frameImagePixelsPerUnitMultiplier="3" widthPercent="105" heightPercent="105">
        <Frame id="Fill" frameImage="btn_grey01_invert" widthPercent="100" heightPercent="100" frameImagePixelsPerUnitMultiplier="3" />


Next, we can create a Frame that includes this multiple times — once for health, once for mana, and a third time which we could use for various purposes. I’ve also included a text frame to display the exact numerical value of the unit’s health in addition to the bar.

Some things to note here:
