New Project Setup

The suggested project structure is to have one Main module that stores your core game logic and data and have your maps inherit from it. That way, you won’t need to copy and paste your code if you use multiple maps in the future.

Your project structure should look something like:

-- MyProjectRepo/
-- ├─ Main/
-- ├─ Maps/
-- │  └─ EntryMap/
-- ├─ .dreameditor
-- ├─ .gitignore
-- └─ .stylua.toml

You can create a new module with File > New


Then choose the type of “Module”


Initial Dependency Setup

You will need to add Main to your EntryMap's Dependencies under the Project Settings tab of the Data Window


Don’t forget to save and reload afterwards.

Also, in the future, make sure that your data and Lua code is in your Main module rather than your map. You can change this by clicking the folder path on the top left of the editor.


Registry Dependencies

All projects start off with the following libraries by default: