What Are Simple Units?

For simplicity, we call current units Normal Units to distinguish them from Simple Units.

Simple units are implemented from scratch, they did not share code with normal units, this means that designers cannot assume what simple units can do based on their experience working with normal units.

As a 10k-foot view, simple units have their own

So what simple units can do?

Limited (Specially Coded) Interactions with Normal Units

We have created several Simple Effects that can be used in effect trees, those simple effects could interact with simple units.


Say we already have a fireball effect, and we want it to impact simple units. first, we replace the fireball’s launch missile effect’s impact effect with SimpleAreaSearchEffect. Then you could set the simple area search effect’s Effect to be a SimpleDamageEffect. So when a fireball hits, simple area search effects would find nearby simple units and apply damage to those simple units through SimpleDamageEffect.