In this tutorial, we will be creating a new project and hero unit to be used for the rest of this tutorial series.

This tutorial will cover:

1. Creating A New Project

Start by pressing the “New Project” button at the left of the Terrain Window, or click on “File” > “New” (Shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N).

You will be prompted to enter a name for the new project. I named mine “Tutorial 1-1” and then hit Select.

After that, you should be looking at a blank map in the Terrain Window.

2. Creating A New Unit

To create a new unit, first we must open the Data Window. To do this, press “Window” > “Data Window” (shortcut Ctrl+Shift+D).


From here you’ll see the Data Window.


The object list displays all data. You can filter it with the drop down list or the colored icons below the search bar. You can use Shift or Control to select multiple data types at once.


Try it now by switching to the “Unit” filter and typing “Standard MeleeUnit” and then click on the “Standard MeleeUnit” that will appear. This will populate the Object Explorer, Node Editor, and Field editor with this object’s data.

To start with, the Object explorer shows all other data that’s somehow linked to this object. For an example, this unit has a weapon and an actor. Those in turn use other data, which is shown on this list.


To see how this data is connected in a visual way, try adding the Node Editor pane by clicking the “Add Pane” button on the top right.