Thank you for your interest in joining Funovus! The next step is a design test that will take approximately ~16 hours to complete, but you have a 7-day window to submit, starting today.

You’ll use our internal game editor for the design test. Our editor is largely data-driven, meaning that units, abilities, and effects can be constructed using a data editor. The editor uses Lua script to handle game logic beyond what’s defined in data.

Getting Started

Please refer to this guide for downloading and installing the editor: Quick Start Guide

Test Requirements

Complete the following tasks using the editor to complete the technical design section:

  1. Complete the 5 tutorials from the editor quick start guide.
  2. Using the map you created in the tutorial series, convert the “Ice Mage” into a new hero by swapping the assets used for the unit and weapon. The visual theme of the new hero should be thematically cohesive.
  3. Add a new “delayed blast” style ability to the hero. The unit, ability, and visual effects should be implemented using the Data Window. The ability should meet the following requirements:
    1. The ability should launch a missile at the target location.
    2. The missile should explode 2 seconds after impact, dealing AOE damage. It’s recommended to use a persistent effect to sequence this delay.
    3. The AOE should be big enough to hit all 3 targets added in the tutorial sequence.
    4. The hero should cast the ability at the mouse position when the “Q” key is pressed. This part will need to be hooked up with Lua script.
    5. Use actors to add VFX and SFX to polish this ability as best as you can, while matching your hero’s visual theme.
  4. Create a custom UI button that levels up enemies when clicked. Enemies should gain +10% health and damage each time they level up (ex: 100/110/120% health and damage at level 1/2/3/etc). It’s recommended to use behaviors for such unit attribute changes. This should apply to existing enemies and future enemies and have some visual feedback to let players know what level enemies are.
  5. Include implementations that demonstrate your knowledge of the following concepts in Lua script. These implementations can be functional or just for demonstration purposes, depending on your preference:
    1. The difference between pairs and ipairs.
    2. The difference between deep and shallow copy.
  6. Finally, add or adjust rules to turn your submission into a playable mini-game. Consider fleshing out your hero design with more abilities, designing a level, or anything that you think can impress us. This section is open-ended, allowing you to show off your individual skills as a game designer and sell us on why you are the best candidate for the job. What you add here is up to you but should demonstrate your strength in at least one area such as visual appeal and polish, creative design, or technical prowess.


We’ll be looking for these qualities when evaluating your test:

Submitting Your Test

You can submit your test through the editor by following these steps: